
You can donate to our JustGiving page by clicking here.

£10 can help us buy materials for the first month a volunteer joins us in the office. Our volunteers are from a mix of professional backgrounds, ages and countries. As well as being an invaluable contribution to our work with clients (volunteers make up over 60% of our workforce), we support volunteers who may face barriers to working to help them get back into a work environment.

£35 will cover the costs of a translator for a family of refugees, asylum seekers or immigrants who cannot speak English and are new to the UK. The cost of doing immigration paperwork can run into thousands of pounds for an individual and people can be denied their visa if they make mistakes with the paperwork. GNWCAB carries out immigration support for visas and citizenship - read the story of Munir, a Syrian refugee we helped, by clicking here.

£100 can pay for one of our advisers to help up to 10 clients, transforming their lives with support and advice. An appointment with an adviser can change a life. We assist with everything from small increases in benefits right through to ensuring a homeless person has a new stable place to stay, food, finances and job opportunities. We encourage people to come to us with any issue as we are well connected in the community and can always link them with someone who can help.

£250 will pay for an adviser to lift a family out of debt. This is enough to cover an initial appointment, follow-ups and the time our adviser takes to resolve debts of thousands of pounds.

You can email us at [email protected] if you would like your donation to go towards a specific project.